Friday, April 30, 2010

Planning a Story

So, I've never tried "planning a story" like, chapter by chapter and I tried it yesterday. It turns out that it doesn't work at all for me, surprising? Well, there's a reason my blog's called Wanna Be An Author. I want to be a published author...but I don't really have what it takes to be an author. I'm only ten pages into my story and I've hit a wall...I'm just waiting around, blogging, and whatever while I wait for someone to blow up the wall for me. Then, I'll just hitch a ride with them. That's how I work and that's why I'll never get past the "wannabe author" stage. (sigh) Procrastinator here, what do you expect? Even blogging right now is a small way of avoiding my story. Staring at a blank computer screen for five hours really bugs me..a lot.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Okay, ranting on writer's block: Numero uno

Okay, I have writer's block. Whoopdeedoo for me, right? No, I'm just about ready to blow something up if I don't write something. So that's why I'm writing I don't injure someone or blow up something. How do people keep writing and writing and writing? I know I can't do that! On a good day, I write a page. But that just shows you how much I suck at writing!

Monday, April 26, 2010

Welcome to my blog!

Okay, for all those writers out there, I'm probably worse than you are. I get writer's block really easily, and tend to procrastinate a lot. On my good days, I'll write about a page. See? But I go through the same things as you, I hate writer's block, I daydream about my story instead of listening to my teachers, and I'm constantly scribbling down notes in case I forget later. But I'll blog about my problems and gripe about stuff like this...BTW, really sorry about the gangsta title. I didn't know what else to call this...well, because I am a wannabe me, i do hate it when people try to talk "gangsta"